Conferences and Workshops
Politics and Sociability in a Transcultural Context: The Diplomatic Milieu in Istanbul during the Long Eighteenth Century’
International Workshop
Organized by David Do Paço (Sciences Po Paris) and Pascal Firges
17 November 2017, German Historical Institute Paris. See more…
‘The Politics of Bodies at the Early Modern Court’
Organized by Regine Maritz, Eva Seemann (University of Zürich) and Tom Tölle (Princeton University)
29-30 May 2017, German Historical Institute Paris. See more…
‘Interpersonal Relations in Court Societies: Theory and Methodology in Practice’
International Workshop
Organized by Pascal Firges and Regine Maritz
22 March 2016, German Historical Institute Paris. See more…
‘Jeux et enjeux du pouvoir à l’époque prémoderne: Aspects sociaux et politiques de la sociabilité dans les sociétés de cour’
International Summer School
Organized by Pascal Firges and Vanina Kopp (GHI), in collaboration with Britta Kägler (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich), Caroline zum Kolk (Institut d’études avancées de Paris), and Jean-Marie Moeglin (University of Paris-Sorbonne)
23-26 June 2015, German Historical Institute Paris. See more…
‘Power-Relationships in Court Societies. Marriage, Concubinage, Friendship, Kinship, and Patronage in Historical Perspective’
International Workshop
Organized by Pascal Firges and Regine Maritz
5-6 March 2015, German Historical Institute Paris. See more…